SPEL ESR Bypass Treatment System

The SPEL ESR Bypass Treatment System treats flows up to and including the 1 in 1 year return events (27mm/h) in line with guidence from the CIRIA SuDS Manual (C753). The SPEL ESR Bypass System is fully certified to meet the CIRIA SuDS Mitigation Index. It has been tested by WRc to the British Water Code of Practice for Manufactured Treatment Devices. This unit is also certified to the British and European Standard BS EN 858 by HR Wallingford. SPEL’s ESR range is a total treatment system removing Hydrocarbons, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Metals. It’s a highly efficient, single unit, water quality SuDS component.

Bypass Stormwater Treatment System

The SPEL ESR Bypass is fully certified to meet the CIRIA SuDS Mitigation Index. It has been tested by WRc to the British Water Code of Practice for Manufactured Treatment Devices. This unit is also certified to the British and European Standard BS EN 858.
SPEL’s ESR range is a total treatment system removing Hydrocarbons, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Metals. It’s a highly efficient, single unit, water quality SuDS component.
The coalescer inserts are easy to clean and simple to replace but rarely require replacing. The unique ‘insert’ format ensures that this unit can be extracted complete every time, compared to other systems where ‘wrap around’ style units allow the foam to slip off, requiring confined space entry to retrieve.


Certified Mitigation Index
*HR Wallingford test results to BS EN 858

Product Range

200 Series

(1.2m internal diameter):
Treated Flow Rate: 10-15 l/s
Catchment Area: 1,333m2 – 2,000m2

300 Series

(1.8m internal diameter):
Treated Flow Rate: 20-50 l/s
Catchment Area: 2,665m2 – 6,665m2

400 Series

(2.6m internal diameter):
Treated Flow Rate: 60-160 l/s
Catchment Area: 8,000m2 – 21,333m2

500 Series

(3.5m internal diameter):
Treated Flow Rate: 180-250 l/s
Catchment Area: 24,000m2 – 33,333m2

600 Series

(4m internal diameter):
Treated Flow Rate: 300-700 l/s
Catchment Area: 40,000m2 – 93,333m2


The ESR Bypass will treat up to the 1 in 1 year storm event for surface water run-off to a Pollution Hazard Index of ‘Medium’. This covers surfaces such as:

  • Roofs Private and public car parks
  • Residential roads and drives
  • Low and medium use roads
  • Commercial yards and delivery areas

The ESR Bypass can be used as part of a treatment train to achieve a ‘High’ Mitigation Index. (See other SPEL SuDS treatment systems).

Shell Design

Designed with reference to BS EN 13121. All tank shells carry the SPEL 25 Year Warranty and life expectancy in excess of 50 years.

Shell Specifications

Different tank shell specifications are available dependent upon tank invert levels, ground conditions and ground water levels. (See Section 8)

Inlet/Outlet Connections

160/225/300mm diameter PVCU socket/ spigot. 450, 600, 750, 900 and 1200mm diameter GRP spigot available, for connecting to site pipework via FlexSeal/Band-Seal or similar flexible couplings. The nine inlet/outlet options below are available to assist with design and installation.

Testing and Certification

Research and development is at the heart of what we do at SPEL, our passion as Zero Pollution Ambassadors is to be at the cutting edge of clean surface water technology.
Months of rigorous testing has resulted in the SPEL ESR Bypass Treatment Range.

SPEL's Head of Technical Development alongside the WRc testing officer.

Surface Water Treatment Device Performance Declaration

Product DetailsDescription
ManufacturerSPEL Products
Treatment Device Name/ModelStormceptor Type 210 C1/SC
General descriptionClass 1 By-pass Separator with Silt Capacity
Envisaged applicationTreatment of Surface Water Run-off
Pollutant(s) capturedSuspended Solids
Treatment device capacity3200litres
Sediment Storage capacity1000litres
Treatment Flow rate10l/s
Connected Area1,333
Pollution retention flow rate10l/s
Maximum capacity flow rate100l/s
Device head loss (at treatment flowrate)0.15m
Device head loss (at maximum capacity treatment flowrate)m
TSS capture and retention efficiency (Milisil W4 test sediment)82%
Zinc capture efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Zinc retention efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Copper capture efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Copper retention efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Dissolved Metals reduction0.0%
Particulate metals reduction*61.5*%
Total Metals reduction*61.5*%
Total Metals Mitigation Index0.615*

* Extrapolated value in accordance with British Water How to Guide: Applying the CIRIA The SuDS Manual (C753) Simple Index Approach to Proprietary / Manufactured Stormwater Treatment Devices. Version 7, Section 4.3, (2021- under pre-publication review).

Specification Chart

As directed by the SuDS Manual, treatment trains should be sized according to the connectible area, see column 5 below.

ModelSeriesTreated Flow RateMaximum FlowConnectible / Catchment area (m²)*Oil Storage (litres)Silt Capacity (litres)Tank Length (mm)Internal Diameter (mm)Inlet Invert (mm)Base to Inlet (mm)Base to Outlet (mm)Optimum in / out pipe diameter ** (mm)Number of Access Shafts (dia. mm)

Shell Specification

The ‘standard’ specification is normally adequate for most installations but Heavy, Extra Heavy, Special, Extra Special, Ultra and Ultra Plus specifications are available depending upon the burial depth and water table level, in winter. The concern is when the system is emptied completely and remains empty for a period of time.
For more information and to see burial depth charts see Installation Guidance.

200 Series ESR – Inside diameter 1200mm, outside diameter 1225mm.
300 Series ESR – Inside diameter 1800mm, outside diameter 1875mm.
400 Series ESR – Inside diameter 2600mm, outside diameter 2700mm.
500 Series ESR – Inside diameter 3500mm, outside diameter 3650mm.
600 Series ESR – Inside diameter 4000mm, outside diameter 4150mm.

300/400/500 & 600 series

*These connectible/catchment areas are based on the SuDS Manual requirement for bypass devices to treat the 1 in 1 year storm event (27mm).

**SPEL ESR Bypass Treatment Systems are designed for a maximum flow (NS/NSB) but can be fitted with larger than the recommended maximum connection size IN/OUT or with the addition of adapters providing the maximum flow (NS/NSB) cannot be exceeded or any increase in the operating level in the SPEL Separator to cause the captured pollutants to escape into the vent connections or through access shaft connections. Any overriding of the above criteria could jeopardise performance to the European Standard BS EN 858-1.

SPEL Coalescer Guide Rail Systems

To facilitate easy insertion of coalescer units, the optional SPEL guide rail system manufactured in stainless steel can be incorporated into SPEL ESR Bypass Systems.
Brackets fixed to the top and bottom of the coalescer unit simply engage with the stainless steel guide rail which is fixed to the top of the stub access shaft. The coalescer unit is then lowered in the normal way, being guided at the correct angle into the conical base.
Lifting chains are available for the larger coalescer units and where extension shafts are fitted.
Extension guide rails can be incorporated into SPEL extension shafts to suit.

SPEL Coalescer Lifting, Locating and Locking system (3L)

Where SPEL ESR Systems can be subjected to surcharging and/or tidal outfall, then the SPEL 3L system should be included.
The SPEL Lifting, Locating and Locking system is manufactured in stainless steel and replaces the standard coalescer unit handle.
The locating/locking handle ensures the coalescer unit is seated and locked in its correct position.


Automatic Alarms/Monitoring Systems

Alarm systems are available for all SPEL separators. These include probes for oil, silt and high level. There are also a range of control panels including solar power, more detail on our alarm systems can be found in Section 8.
Control Panels

Mains Powered Separator Alarms

For silt, oil and high level detection, compatible with the below alarm probes.

Solar Alarms

Available with optional flashing beacon, and GMS/ SMS communication, also compatible with the below alarm probes.

Alarm Probes

idOil-OIL oil probe

Detects oil and indicates when the treatment system’s oil storage is full.This probe is required in order for a treatment device to comply with BS EN 858.

idOil-SLU silt probe

Monitors the silt layer in the treatment system and indicates when the silt layer has reached its maximum level.

idOil-LiQ high liquid level probe

Indicates when the liquid level in the treatment system rises excessively e.g. in an outlet blockage situation.

SPEL ESR Range Inlet/Outlet Orientation

Dependent upon model and diameter of connections, these nine different orientations are available. However, on the larger models it is important to check with our technical department.

SPEL extension access shafts

Extension access shafts are available for deep invert application and are available in 500mm height increments.

SPEL tripod and hoist

Where surface water run-off has a high silt content the coalescer units can become filled, making them heavy to lift out. In order to facilitate easy withdrawal of coalescer units the SPEL tripod and hoist is recommended.

SPELGuard Commissioning, RAF Base

Request A Quotation

For further information phone our sales hotline 01743 457977, email sales@spelproducts.co.uk or Click the button below.

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