
SPEL Full Retention Class 2 Separators

SPEL full retention class 2 separators are single chamber units that treat the flow generated by a rainfall of 65mm per hour and are designed to achieve a concentration of less than 100mg/l oil under standard test conditions. They are for dealing with discharges where a lower quality requirement applies, for example, where the effluent passes to a foul sewer. SPEL full retention class 2 separators are designed to meet the European Standard BS EN 858. Design and manufacture with reference to BS EN 13121 / BS EN 976 and BS 8301. SPEL full retention separators are filament wound in glass reinforced polyester and have a life expectancy in excess of fifty years.    

Class 2 Full Retention Separators

For more technical information on our SPEL separators please click here to go to our SPEL Separator Solutions page

Product Range

200 Series

NS 4 – NS 10

Catchment area: 222m2 – 556m2


300 Series

NS 15 – NS 50

Catchment area: 833m2 – 2778m2


400 Series

NS 65 – NS 300

Catchment area: 3,611m2 – 16,665m2


500 & 600 Series

Sizes/specifications and performance data available on request.

Automatic Closure Device

Class 2 separators must discharge to foul subject to consent from local water companies. 

These units are often included in vehicle wash drainage systems as they comply to BS EN 858 for Class 2 water quality.

Shell Design

Designed with reference to BS EN 13121. All tank shells carry the SPEL 25 Year Warranty and life expectancy in excess of 50 years.

Shell Specifications

Different tank shell specifications are available dependent upon tank invert levels, ground conditions and ground water levels. (See Installation Guidance section)

Double skin/secondary containment systems are available across the SPEL Separator range.

Inlet/Outlet Connections

160/225/300mm diameter PVCU socket/spigot.

450mm diameter GRP spigot only. For connecting to site pipework Flex-Seal/Band-Seal or similar flexible couplings can be used.

The nine inlet/outlet options below are available to assist with design and installation.

With Silt Capacity

ModelSeriesNominal Size (NB)Catchment Area (M2)Oil Storage (L)Silt Capacity (L)Overall Length* (mm)Overall Diameter (mm)Inlet Invert (mm)Base to Inlet (mm)Base to Outlet (mm)Optimum In/Out pipe Diameter** (mm)Number of Access Shafts (dia. mm)
  Flow (l/s)     ABC 450600750
FR004 SC2004222404001,72012256301,1101,050160 1 
FR006 SC2006333606002,2701,2256301,1101,050160 1 
FR010 SC200105561001,0003,4101,2256301,1101,050160 1 
FR015 SC300158331501,5002,7601,8753501,8001,740225  1
FR020 SC300201,1112002,0003,2001,8753501,8001,740225  1
FS2 SC300201,1112002,0004,2901,8753501,8001,740225  1
FR030 SC300301,6673003,0004,4201,8753901,7601,700300  1
FR040 SC300402,2224004,0005,7601,8753901,7601,700300  1
FR050 SC300502,7785005,0007,0601,8753901,7601,700300  1
FR065 SC400653,6116506,5004,8102,7004252,6252,52530011 
FR080 SC400804,4448008,0005,7002,7004252,6252,52530011 
FR100 SC4001005,5551,00010,0007,4002,7004752,5752,47545011 
FR125 SC4001256,9441,25012,5008,5802,7004752,5752,47545011 
FR150 SC4001508,3331,50015,00010,1802,7004752,5752,47545011 
FR165 SC4001659,1661,65016,50011,2002,7005002,5502,450450 2 
FR200 SC40020011,1102,00020,00013,7102,7006602,3902,290600 2 
FR250 SC40025013,8882,50025,00016,7502,7006602,3902,290600 2 

Without Silt Capacity

FR040300402,222400 4,0201,8753901,7601,700300  1
FR050300502,778500 5,0701,8753901,7601,700300  1
FR065400653,611650 3,7102,7004252,6252,52530011 
FR080400804,444800 4,4002,7004252,6252,52530011 
FR1004001005,5551000 5,2502,7004752,5752,47545011 
FR1254001256,9441250 6,0902,7004752,5752,47545011 
FRI504001508,3331500 7,4002,7004752,5752,47545011 
FR1654001659,1661650 7,9602,7005002,5502,450450 2 
FR20040020011,1102000 9,6002,7006602,3902,290600 2 
FR25040025013,8882500 11,8302,7006602,3902,290600 2 
FR30040030016,6653000 14,1202,7006602,3902,290600 2 
FR400500400222,2224000optional*3,650    3

*Overall length subject to inlet/outlet size and orientation

**SPEL Separators are designed for a maximum flow (NS/NSB) but can be fitted with larger than the recommended maximum connection size IN/OUT or with the addition of adapters providing the maximum flow (NS/NSB) cannot be exceeded or any increase in the operating level in the SPEL Separator to cause the captured pollutants to escape into the vent connections or through access shaft connections. Any overriding of the above criteria could jeopardise performance to the European Standard BS EN 858-1.

Note: Model FS2SC is a special forecourt unit with 7600 litre spillage holding capacity.

Shaft Extensions

All SPEL Separator Systems have a large range of technical accessories to ease maintenance and monitoring.

Circular access shafts are supplied in 450, 600, 700, 900 and 1200mm diameter. Rectangular shafts are supplied in 800, 900 and 1000mm X 1000/1250/1500mm. GRP ladders can be incorporated for more access, complete with stainless steel fixings.

Rectangular Shafts
Stub Access Shafts
Flanged joint stub access shaft with extension shaft
600,750 and 900mm diameter.
Socket joint stub access shaft with extension shaft
600, 750, 900 and 1200mm diameter

200/300 Series

Shafts can be laminated onto the tank up to a maximum height of 1.2m. Above this height extension shafts can be supplied separately for on-site fitting during installation.

400 Series

Shafts up to 400mm high are laminated onto the tank. Above this height extension shafts can be supplied separately for on-site fitting during installation.

500 Series

Shafts up to 300mm high are laminated onto the tank. Above this height extension shafts can be supplied separately for on-site fitting during installation.

600 Series

Stub access shafts are fitted 100mm high and extension access shafts fitted as 500 series. Above this height extension shafts can be supplied separately for on-site fitting during installation.

Extension Shafts

These are supplied in 500mm increments and are available in different laminate specs to suit site-specific invert levels and applications.

Guide Rails for Coalescers

Note: only applicable to units fitted with the SPEL Coalescer

Normal servicing of the smaller SPEL Separators frequently requires emptying the unit completely. Guide rails provide access for the coalescer units to be taken out, cleaned and returned and guided accurately to their seating positions. However larger SPEL Separators may only require the hydrocarbon pollutants and silt to be removed.

In order to limit the servicing to sucking off the fuel/oil from the top and the silt from the bottom guide rails are required to ensure coalescer units are replaced into their correct positions.

The system is robust, manufactured throughout in stainless steel and the action positive, leaving no doubt the coalescer unit is located properly.

Brackets fixed to the top and bottom of the coalescer unit simply engage the stainless steel guide rail fixed to the top of the stub access shaft. The coalescer is then lowered in the normal way, being guided at the correct angle into the conical base unit which locates the coalescer unit into its final position.

Extension guide rails can be incorporated into SPEL extension shafts to suit (preferably when ordered with the separator).

SPEL coalescer unit lifting/locating/locking system for positive location and security locking

SPEL coalescer units lowered into the separator with the SPEL guide rail system are easily guided into the base unit’s conical moulding to automatically sit correctly.

However, when the separator is full of water, debris or silt accumulated over a period, this could prevent the coalescer unit from re-seating correctly after servicing.

The coalescer unit lifting/locating/locking system provides assurance the coalescer unit is seated correctly and can be locked into position to prevent tampering.

The system is particularly suitable in SPEL Separator + Econoskim® systems where the total contents of the separator are not emptied on servicing.

The system comprises a robust stainless steel lifting and lowering handle that locates on the guide rail system. When the coalescer unit is correctly located in the conical seating in the separator, the handle will align with guide rail top bracket i.e.. the handles slotted holes with the top bracket clip locking groove, see diagram.

When aligned the stainless steel clip can be located through the slots and lock into position on the top bracket.

The stainless steel lifting handle can be extended to suit deep tank inverts and provide easy access for lifting manually or with the SPEL tripod and hoist.

Automatic Alarms/Monitoring Systems

Alarm systems are available for all SPEL separators. These include probes for oil, silt and high level. There are also a range of control panels including solar power, more detail on our alarm systems can be found here.

Control Panels

Alarm Probes

idOil-OIL oil probe

Detects oil and indicates when the separator’s oil storage is full.

This probe is required in order for a treatment device to comply with BS EN 858.

idOil-SLU silt probe

Monitors the silt layer in the oil separator and indicates when the silt layer has reached its maximum level.

idOil-LIQ high liquid level probe

Indicates when the liquid level in the oil separator rises excessively e.g. in an outlet blockage situation.

Kiosks for externally mounted alarm/control panels are available. Click here for further detail.

SPEL tripod and hoist

Where surface water run-off has a high silt content the coalescer units can become filled, making them heavy to lift out. In order to facilitate easy withdrawal of coalescer units the SPEL tripod and hoist is recommended.

SPELGuard Commissioning, RAF Base

Request A Quotation

For further information phone our sales hotline 01743 457977 or email