Separate valve chambers allow for easier access for maintenance and are required for pumping stations designed for adoption.
200 Series
1.2m inside diameter
300 Series
1.8m inside diameter
400 Series
2.6m inside diameter
500 Series
3.5m inside diameter
600 Series
4.0m inside diameter
To compliment any V or H Series SPEL Pumping Stations
Designed with reference to BS EN 13121. All tank shells carry the SPEL 25 Year Warranty and life expectancy in excess of 50 years.
Different tank shell specifications are available dependent upon tank invert levels, ground conditions and ground water levels. (See Installation Guidance section)
Typical Valve Chamber
Other requirements include the specification for the valves, access opening, protection against surface water entry, the type of covers, venting etc. SPEL Products can advise in the design to meet specific requirements.
SPEL Valve Chambers are available as separate units in different sizes 1.2 – 4mø and have the benefit of a factory fitted and tested ‘one piece’ unit.
Lancaster Road