SPEL Smartceptor

The SPEL Smartceptor has been developed and extensively tested to the British Water Code of Practice: Assessment of the Manufactured Treatment Devices Designed to Treat Surface Water Runoff. The TSS capture and retention efficiency of 56% provides a mitigation index of 0.5, metals at 0.4 and hydrocarbons at 0.5, suitable for Low-Risk developments such as a low-traffic road, a residential car-park or a non-residential car-park with infrequent change such as a school or office, see table 26.2 of The SuDS Manual (C753).


The SPEL Smartceptor has been developed and extensively tested to the British Water Code of Practice: Assessment of the Manufactured Treatment Devices Designed to Treat Surface Water Runoff.
The TSS capture and retention efficiency of 56% provides a mitigation index of 0.5, metals at 0.4 and hydrocarbons at 0.5, suitable for Low-Risk developments such as low-traffic roads, a residential car-parks and non-residential car-parks with infrequent change such as a school or office.
The Mitigation Indices for the Smartceptor have been determined using the British Water ‘How to Guide’ and they illustrate the ability of the Smartceptor to capture Total Suspended Solids, Metals and Hydrocarbons.
The CIRIA SuDS Manual requires the inclusion of a dedicated sediment removal device upstream of any pond or wetland and the Smartceptor is perfect in this role. It is an efficient, small footprint unit that’s easy to empty and maintain. For a Low-Risk surface (as defined in the CIRIA SuDS Manual) the Smartceptor satisfies the Pollution Hazard Indices on its own, so all the water quality requirements of the SuDS design are met with this one device; that then allows the rest of the SuDS Management train to focus on water quantity, amenity and biodiversity.

SPEL Smartceptor

Certified Mitigation Index
The results for metals and hydrocarbons are calculated in accordance with the British Water ‘How to Guide’.

Product Range

200 Series

(1.2m internal diameter):

Maximum Treated Flow Rate: 30 l/s

Catchment Area: 4,000 m2


300 Series

(1.8m internal diameter):

Maximum Treated Flow Rate: 70 l/s

Catchment Area: 9,000 m2


400 Series

(2.6m internal diameter):

Maximum Treated Flow Rate: 200 l/s

Catchment Area: 18,666 m2


500 Series

(3.5m internal diameter):

Maximum Treated Flow Rate: 400 l/s

Catchment Area: 34,000 m2


  • Domestic and commercial roofs
  • Private car parks and driveways
  • Low traffic roads
  • Non residential car parks up to 300
    traffic movements per day

Shell Design

Designed with reference to BS EN 13121. All tank shells carry the SPEL 25 Year Warranty and life expectancy in excess of 50 years.

Shell Specifications

Different tank shell specifications are available dependent upon tank invert levels, ground conditions and ground water levels.

Surface Water Treatment Device Performance Declaration

Testing carried out according to British Water Code of Practice

Product DetailsDescription
ManufacturerSPEL Products
Treatment Device Name/ModelSmartceptor Type SHV 200/30 with clarifier
General descriptionHydrodynamic Vortex Separator
Envisaged applicationTreatment of Surface Water Run-off
Pollutant(s) capturedTotal Suspended Solids
Treatment device capacity1700litres
Sediment Storage capacity450litres
Treatment Flow rate30l/s
Connected Area4,000
Pollution retention flow rate30l/s
Maximum capacity flow rate98l/s
Device head loss (at treatment flowrate)0.086m
Device head loss (at maximum capacity treatment flowrate)0.105m

TSS capture and retention efficiency

(Milisil W4 test sediment)

Zinc capture efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Zinc retention efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Copper capture efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Copper retention efficiency (if tested)Not tested for dissolved metals%
Dissolved Metals reduction0.0%
Particulate metals reduction*41.9*%
Total Metals reduction*41.9*%

* Extrapolated value in accordance with British Water How to Guide: Applying the CIRIA The SuDS Manual (C753) Simple Index Approach to Proprietary / Manufactured Stormwater Treatment Devices. Version 7, Section 4.3, (2021 – under pre-publication review).

Testing Process

Extensive testing has been undertaken with different flows in accordance with the British Water Code of Practice: Assessment of the Manufactured Treatment Devices Designed to Treat Surface Water Runoff.
Testing was witnessed, assessed and certification has been provided by the Water Research Council (WRc).
The test rig combined with a large water storage facility (using largely rainwater via a SPEL RainSave System), provided sufficient flow to deliver the required number of column changes. The performance tests were carried out strictly in accordance with the British Water protocol.

As directed by the SuDS Manual, treatment trains should be sized according to the connectible area, see column 4 below.

ModelSeriesTreated Flow Rate (l/s)Maximum Design Storm Flow (l/s)Catchment area* (m²)Head Loss Storm Flow (mm)Overall Diameter (mm)Overall Chamber Height (mm)Inlet to Base (mm)Inlet Invert (mm)Silt Capacity (L)Hydrocarbon Capacity (L)Pipe Size dia. (mm)Access Opening (mm)
SHV 200/30200301224,0001801,2252,6801,6001,080360220300Ø750
SHV 300/70300702809,3332551,8253,8002,4001,4001,200900450Ø900
SHV 400/20040020065026,6653502,7005,0003,3001,7003,4502,000600Ø1,200
SHV 500/40050040090034,0005003,5405,3903,0002,3905,0004,800750Ø1,200

*These connectible/catchment areas are based on the SuDS Manual requirement for By-Pass devices to treat the 1 in 1 year storm event (27mm).

Maintenance is simply undertaken by lifting out the ‘clarifier pack’ using the easily accessible handle. Placing it over a gully upstream and washing off with normal pressure water.
Then de-sludge the unit, using a standard vacuum tanker suction hose dropped down the centre of the unit ensuring all silt has been removed. The hydrocarbons will be removed as the complete contents are sucked out.

De-sludging the unit: Standard waste removal tanker
Clarifier Pack Clean: Quick & easy maintenance

The flow enters the SPEL Smartceptor via the inlet pipe on the left marked with the red arrow. The water travels down the inlet molding and exits half way down the chamber, this generates the vortex. As the vortex spins, the silt and hydrocarbons are pushed to the outer edge with the silt dropping through the cone and to the base, while the oil rises to the surface and is trapped beneath the by-pass molding. The cleanest water is at the center of the vortex, this is allowed to pass up the center via a clarifier pack to the outlet pipe marked with the blue arrow.
Storm flows by-pass by flooding the top section of the chamber and do not come into contact with or disturb the captured pollutants.

Request A Quotation

For further information phone our sales hotline 01743 457977, email sales@spelproducts.co.uk or Click the button below.

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