Our Company

About SPEL Products

Established over 60 years, SPEL Products have gained valuable experience and expertise in a wide range of activities from building cladding and motorway bridge fascias to vehicle cabs, chemical plant and process vessels for the food industry, fume extraction canopies, ducting, fume stacks and air conditioning plenum chambers besides sewage treatment and pollution control products.

Over the past 60 years the company has consolidated its activities to concentrate on pollution control, surface water drainage and attenuation systems, primary sewage treatment, rainwater harvesting and utilisation systems, monitoring and controlling outfalls within discharge permits.

Along with the consolidation of our activities the company has invested heavily in buildings and plant and equipment of the very latest type to ensure it has not only the capacity to meet the future demands but the ‘state of art’ production facilities to provide quality and competitive solutions.

SPEL is a global operation with distribution facilities and partners throughout the world.

Over 50 years Progress since 1964

SPEL Products commenced as Shrewsbury Plastics & Engineering Ltd in 1964 manufacturing glass fibre cabs and roofs for the electric milk floats built by W & E Vehicles.

The electric milk float was invented by Philip V Pocock, the first Chairman of SPEL Products whose father had been in the dairy industry during WW1. PVP was with Mickleover Transport during WW2 building road tankers, horse drawn milk floats and other vehicles for United Dairies.

The requirement to replace the horse drawn milk carts in London became an increasing necessity with the need to be more efficient and overcome the shortage of cart horses. The electric three wheeled design was chosen for being quiet, low running costs and could turn in a cul-de-sac in one manoeuvre.

Production of the W & E Electric milk float started in 1947 utilising aluminium  for the bodywork. During the early 1960s glass fibre became the new material for low production runs of mouldings for the vehicle industry.

With a ready market Shrewsbury Plastics & Engineering Ltd commenced manufacturing the cabs and roofs and other mouldings for these vehicles, first in an old foundry and then later in a purpose built factory on the present site. Since 1964 the original building has been developed with a further three buildings for production and storage.

The company diversified into building cladding, motorway bridge fascia system (patented), chemical plant (tanks, vats, fume canopies, fume stacks, insulated  jam containers etc). In 1975 the ‘onion shaped’ SPEL Septic tank was  produced and attained the company’s first Agrément Certificate in 1977.

In 1989 the company became specialists in filament wound underground tanks  for many uses. Today the plant has modern ‘state of the art’ filament winding  and computerised robotic moulding and end dome machines for fast, quality assured production.


This Post Office building was clad with SPEL GRP panels with a textured bronze metallic finish, incorporating a lightweight steel frame, internal lining and insulation for quick site fixing.
SPEL 3-stage Septic Tanks, Agrément Certificated in 1977.
W & E Rangemaster electric vehicle with colour impregnated GRP cab and roof.
Wayne industrial sweeper with a GRP cab designed by SPEL.
SPEL Fascia System for bridges for concealing services. Easy lift on and off.


Situated in the West Midlands with an excellent motorway connection to the M6, M6 Toll and other major roads provides good access to all parts of the UK mainland.

Shrewsbury is a fascinating historic medieval town set in the rural county of Shropshire with its beautiful countryside and easy access to Wales with lovely bathing beaches, rivers, lakes, hills and mountains providing enjoyment for walking, climbing, sailing, fishing, kayaking and many other outdoor pursuits

Export locations

SPEL is a global operation with distribution facilities throughout the world. Our products and systems have been delivered and installed on-site to over 45 countries.

British Water Member

British Water is the leading association representing suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, consultants and others in the UK water industry supply chain. As a major supplier to the water industry in the UK and overseas SPEL Products want to show their commitment to the water industry. SPEL Products have substantial knowledge and experience in the industry spanning 56 years.

Susdrain Supporters

SPEL are now proud supporters of susdrain. Created by CIRIA, www.susdrain.org is an independent and authoritative platform for those involved in delivering sustainable drainage.

WRc Approved

SPEL GRP wet wells are designed to comply with Sewers for Adoption for both sewage and grey water applications.

SPEL GRP wet wells can be fitted with pipework, pumps and tested prior to installation as a working unit though this does not form part of this approval.  This minimises the need for confined space trained staff during the installation.

BS EN ISO 14001 Environmental Standard

SPEL Products are certified to the Environmental Management System ISO 14001. It forms the framework for the immediate and long-term performance of the organisation, processes and products to protect the environment and minimise the risk of pollution incidents.

BS EN ISO 45001 Health & Safety Standard

SPEL Products ISO 45001 compliant. An industry standard for health and safety at work.

BS EN ISO 9001 Quality Standard

SPEL Products are certified to ISO 9001. This is a global standard for quality management, showing our commitment to quality.

Technology, Equipment & Testing Facilities

The modern processes including the patented chop-hoop filament winding process, ‘state-of-the-art’ computerised and robotic machines ensure consistently high product quality and efficient production enabling quality products at competitive prices.

On site testing is undertaken to constantly improve our production performance, new product development and construction techniques.

Storage & Manufacturing

Bulk raw material storage and distribution system is used for production processes.

The large storage with racking facilities enable large stocks to be maintained from production materials to accessories e.g. pipe fittings for underground and pressure applications, Bauer type connections, flexible pipe connectors, pumps and associated pump stools, valves, control panels and controls, stainless steel fabrications, vortex flow controllers etc.

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